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Q. Which methods of payment do you accept?
A. The DDSWMA accepts CASH, DEBIT, CREDIT CARDS or on ACCOUNT. To set up an account you will need to complete a credit application. Be advised this process can take approximately 1-2 weeks to process depending on the response time of your bank.

Q. Who sets the disposal rates and policies?
A. The Drumheller and District Solid Waste Management Association Board of Directors set the disposal rates and policies. Each member of County, Municipality, and Town has a representative on the DDSWMA Board of Directors.

Q. Do I need to weigh in at the scale before entering the Landfill or Recycling Facility?
A. Yes. All vehicles are required to weigh in at the scalehouse before entering and weigh out at the scalehouse before exiting regardless of waste being disposed. You are not authorized to enter the site until the scale attendant has reviewed or inspected your load. Tracking of waste being disposed of at the Landfill site is required by Alberta Environment and the DDSWMA approval to operate. We also need to track all vehicles on site for safety purposes. We ask that customers be patient and wait for the scale attendant as they operate both the inbound and outbound scale.

Q.Our garbage was missed in town; will we have to pay disposal fees still if bringing it ourselves?
A. Yes, the disposal fee will still apply. Contrary to popular belief the Drumheller and District Solid Waste Management Association (DDSWMA) is not The Town of Drumheller. The DDSWMA is its own entity. We recommend if your garbage has been missed to contact the Town of Drumheller Public Works Department @ 403-823-1330 or through the Town of Drumhellers "See, Click, Fix" app and notify them of any issues or questions regarding garbage services provided through the Town of Drumheller.

Q. Why do you ask where we are coming from with our material?
A. The DDSWMA requires the origin of all waste being disposed of at the facility for tracking purposes in addition to ensuring the applicable fees are charged. Proof of residency may be requested prior to disposal of your wastes.

Q. Can I get a receipt?
A. Yes, you can. Two weigh scale tickets are printed for every weighable and chargeable load, one is used as a receipt and given to the customer, and the other is kept on site for accounting purposes.

Q. What is considered household refuse?
A. Household refuse is your kitchen/bathroom garbage, it also includes furniture i.e.: couch, table, chairs, mattresses, dressers as well as toys. Any other waste that does not fall under the household description is then considered demolition. Be sure to separate your loads as commingled loads are charged at the higher applicable rate.

Our Location

Drumheller & District Regional Landfill is located at 2500 Highway 10 East Drumheller, AB
(Approximately 1km past the Drumheller Walmart.)

Mailing Address: PO Box 808 Drumheller, AB
T0J 0Y0
Phone: 403-823-1345

Location Map